How to buy Korean cell phone & open number

In Korea, There are 3 telecom carriers which are Sk, KT, LG According to Market share size, SK > KT > LG. To be a winner in the Korean telecom market share, There is fierce completion among of them. Therefore, each of companies is managing to supply more Attractive cell phone contract plan to get users. Usually, they would supply the 6months, 1 year & 2 years plan.of it. Two chocies of getting a phone or Sim card in Korea 1) Prepaid SIM Cards for Short Term Usually, abroad travelers to Korea would buy a prepaid SIM Cards in Airport. The price is usually between about USD $ 7~10 according to the data packages in 3~5days. - The advantage of Prepaid short term simcard Buying a prepaid SIM card gives you the option of having a phone in Korea without the hassle of creating a Korean bank account or waiting for your Alien Registration Card to come through. When you do go to set up your prepaid SIM card, however, you will need to b...