
Kuala Lumpur night market

페낭 여행, 말레이시아 역사, 문화, 경제 요약 설명 및 페낭 여행 투어 코스소개

페낭 여행 준비를 위해, 반드시 알아야 할 기본 상식, 지식을 정리했습니다. 말레이시아, 페낭 관련 역사, 정지, 문화, 명소를 소개합니다.  페낭 여행: 말레시이사 역사,정치, 문화, 명소 말레이시아 정치, 사회 구조를 보면 말레이시아의 정치는 말레이 인들이 경제는 화교가 장악하고 있어, 여느 동남아 국가와 비슷하다. 이 나라는 입헌 군주 국가로 왕이 있으며, 정치적 실권은 없다. 왕은 9개 주마다 있는데, 5년 임기가 만기이며, 9명의 왕 중에서 지들끼리 회의 하고 선출한다. 페낭 여행 말레이시아 역사, 문화 위에서 말한 바와 같이 3개의 민족이 각자의 문화와 종교를 보존하며, 공존하고 있다. 해서 이 말레이시아를 여행해 보면, 1개의 나라에서 3개의 음식, 종교. 민족을 체험할 수 있는 매우 효율적인 여행지라고 본인은 생각한다. 주류 문화는 60% 이상의 인구 비율인 말레인들이며 나머지 민족은 알아서 지들만의 커뮤니티에서 자기들만의 문화를 향유한다. 말레이시아 페낭 소개 페낭은 영국이 동남아시아를 차지하기 위한 시발 거점으로 약 200년 부터 영국인 들이 동인도 회사를 차리고, 이 곳을 통해, 동남아시아의 향신료, 커피, 주석, 고무, 팜 들의 자원을 확보하고, 산업 혁명의 잉여물을 판매하는 시장으로 삼는다. 페낭을 발판으로 싱가폴, 홍콩 까지 진추, 과거 영국의 Glory한 역사를 이루는데 중추가 된다. 말레이시아 페낭 여행에 있어 유명한 투어 코스는 조지 타운, 버마,태국 사원, 극락사, 추씨 수상가옥 등 많고, 영상에 약 8개 정도의 페낭 투어 코스를 소개 해 놨다 3  페낭 여행 투어 코스 1  조지 타운 말레이시아 페낭 조지타운의 역사는 영국인과 같이 한다. 200년 전, 영국인이 이곳을 차지할 때, 조지타운 이 곳에 생활과 경제 구역을 형성하고, 그 때의 건물과 흔적이 잘 보존되어 2008년에는 유네스코 문화 보전 지역으로 지정된다. 유럽의 문화와 동남아의 가치, 과거...

How to buy Korean cell phone & open number

In Korea, There are 3 telecom carriers which  are Sk, KT, LG According to Market share size, SK > KT > LG. To be a winner in the Korean telecom market share, There is fierce completion among of them. Therefore, each of companies is managing to supply more  Attractive cell phone contract plan to get users. Usually, they would supply the 6months, 1 year & 2 years plan.of it. Two chocies of getting a phone or Sim card  in Korea 1) Prepaid SIM Cards for Short Term Usually, abroad travelers to Korea would buy a prepaid SIM Cards in Airport. The price is usually between about USD $ 7~10 according to the data packages in  3~5days.  - The advantage of Prepaid short term simcard  Buying a prepaid SIM card gives you the option of having a phone in Korea  without the hassle of creating a Korean bank account or  waiting for your Alien Registration Card to come through. When you do go to set up your prepaid SIM card,  however, you will need to b...

Macao July weather

This is the utube video explain well the macao weather in 3 minutes of humidity, Temperature, Rainfall of Year and Monthly About Macao weather  From Jun to Sep is summer here. From, Dec to Mar is winter without snow During the summer, the weather is so hot. During the winter, it is a little bit chilly For more detail data, Please see the video About Macao July weather Humidity Macao humidity is high as Hongkong.  Monthly average humidity is about 70~80%. Therefore, Sensible temperature is high. Actually you feel more chilly for the actual temperature by high humidity in winter. Macao July weather humidity average is about 80%. Macao July weather temperature Macao July weather temperature is one of highest temperature as well as August.  Monthly average temperature is 32'c.  You are better wearing hawaian style Macao July weather UV The high temperature season uv index is high. but winter season(No snow but chill...

Hanoi weather (monthly humidity, temperature, rainfall)

This video well explain the Hanoi weather in 3 mints of Monthly humidity, temperature, rainfall for Hanoi traveling. Hanoi weather Usually from Jun to Sep is summer season here, Raining season is from also Jun to Sep. From Dec to Mar is a little chilly in the morning & night. Please see the below picture, How they wear during Jan, Feb Hanoi weather humidity Hanoi weather humidity is usually between from 70~75%. here humidity is high. Hanoi weather rainfall In the raining season from Jun ~Sep, the short raining is normal. I like you prepare cheap simple raincoat for it.

cheap & clean Langkawi hotel

I have been staying in Langkawi about 1 years. I like to introduce good langkawi hotel with reasonable price and good conditions. The price of one room/night is about USD $ 40~55/night with morning meal + sea view + swimming pool. please see the below video for the details The location of this langkawi hotel Langkawi has 2 downtown. One is pantai cenang & Kuha town. This langkawi hotel is located at Kuha town in the east place. it would take about 25~30minutes by grab with the price 20RM(about $6). If you take the taxi in airport, it would take 40RM( $8) The langkawi hotel figure It is a little old hotel, but clean and organized well for the price. It is 3 stars langkawi hotel. I think it should be 4 stars level langkawi hotel. but it has no gym. i think it is main reason which this langkawi hotel is 3 stars. The langkawi hotel morning meal Here morning meal is not luxurious, but good enough, I think.but everyday morning meal is same. but it was okay ...

Twain Taipei weather information

Twain Taipei weather information.  This 3 minutes video explain well the Twain Tai Pei weather of humidity, rainfall, temperature of monthly. Therefore, I am Sharing it. Taiwan Taipei weather temperature From Dec to March is a little bit chilly in the morning and night. and From Jun to Sep is hot seson Taiwan Taipei weather Rainfall Usually from Jun to Sep is raining season. but the raining would not be so heavy. but you should be pay attention to typhoon.  Taiwan Taipei Humidity  here humidity is very high.  usually over 70%. so from Dec to March, you would be a little chilly in the morning and night, and from Jun to Sep, you would feel hotter, cuz of high humidity

Kota Kinabalu weather (Monthly humidity, temp, rain fall etc)

Kota Kinabalu weather information I think it is good video explanin well the Kota Kinabalu weather in 2 minutes about humidity, monthly temperature, rain falls etc Kota kinabalu weather - humidity Kota kinabalu humidity is almost same in whole year about 70~75%. it is lower than H.K, Vietnam, Bangkok, Da nang. So you feel more comfortable Kota Kinabalu weather  - Monthly temperature Kota Kinabalu monthly temperature is almost same in the whole year. It is around 30~32. In the morning and night, it is not so hot. you would feel comfortable. Kota Kinabalu weather - Rain falls Here people said the raining season here is usually Oct~Jan. But during rainning season would not so much influence the tour. the rainnng would be stop 30mints or 1 hour. and dry soon. Today, I post the Kota Kinabalu weather, If you like to see the detail data, please watch the upper video.

Bangkok monthly weather report

Bang Kok Weather information This is the video which can explain well Bangkok weather monthly in 2 minutes. So I share it with you. hope it to be helpful to you Many people feel a little wondering for wearing in Bangkok trip,  I like you suggest below pics, and you prepare bangkok weather wearing. BangKok humidity  is high in whole year. So you feel more hotter for the temperature recorded. please remember, same temperature is very different feeling in dry and humid situation      4K water resist Cam.      The Bang Kok weather  raining season is from May to Oct. In those days, it would be raining in often. but, it has good advantage for travelers. At those days, hotel room feel is low, and Sun is no so much strong comparing with dry season. This is the monthly Bangkok weather temperature.   you can understand easily the bangkok monthly weather is almost same. so, plz do not feel much thinkin...

Da Nang annual weather (Humidity, Rainfall, monthly average)

In korea, Da nang is very famous traveling places. Therefore, I made the video of annual Vietnam Da nang weather video including humidity, rainfall, monthly average weather. please have a look.  From Jun, the summer start and , it lasts until Sep. Jan and Feb is a little chilly in the night and morning, so you should prepare some long pants and shirts. The Da nang weather raining start from Sep usually which lasts until Dec. but the temperature would go down.      4K water camera Da nang weather humidity is high. usually it would about 80%. so as it is cold, you feel colder, as it is hot, u feel hotter.

I went to Langkawi oriental village , Cable car over 5 times (3 mints video)

The most of visitors of Langkawi would visit to the Langkawi oriental village & cable car. For travelers of Langkawi, I decided to make video for people understand well it. It is video which I went there with 3 kind of Korean visitors (old couples, family, tour team). have a look how they enjoy it ^^ This team was Korean mess media team. Langkawi tour dept invited them to Langkawi oriental village & cable car.  It is the pic 3D museum. This 2 couples were also come from Korea. They stayed 3night 4 days in Langkawi. last day, they used island tour and went to the Langkawi Oriental village and rid a cable car. They satisfied the view of top They are Korean 2 family. 3 kids, grandmother, parent + 1 mother and kid they also enjoyed well Langkawi oriental village and cable car.I still miss this family. because they gave me good tip for my guide ^^ The Langkawi Oriental village cable car top place is about 800m where people can see the beautiful whole v...

langkawi eagle square view of day, sunset and evening

Langkawi eagle square is most popular place to tourists to visits. because this square has nice view of sea, green and spacious. I made the video of Langkawi eagle square of day, sunset and evening in 3 minutes video. hope you enjoy to watch It is the entrance of Langkawi eagle square. you can see the real of eagle statue in the middle of Picture. It has a nice green garden with small lake also. ㅛ It is the whole view of Langkawi eagle square. Many people like gathering here and took the memorial pictures.  It is the picture during the sunset of Langkawi eagle square. We really enjoyed taking the pictures with the nice sunset view  It is  the picture in the evening of Langkawi eagle square.  I like people to visit to the langkawi eagle square around sunset time.   It is located the eastern part of Langkawi area. there is also duty free shopping shop. Therefore, you also can enjoy shopping there.