Kota Kinabalu weather (Monthly humidity, temp, rain fall etc)

Kota Kinabalu weather information

I think it is good video explanin well the Kota Kinabalu weather in 2 minutes about humidity, monthly temperature, rain falls etc

Kota kinabalu weather - humidity

Kota kinabalu humidity is almost same in whole year about 70~75%. it is lower than H.K, Vietnam, Bangkok, Da nang. So you feel more comfortable

Kota Kinabalu weather  - Monthly temperature

Kota Kinabalu monthly temperature is almost same in the whole year. It is around 30~32.
In the morning and night, it is not so hot. you would feel comfortable.

Kota Kinabalu weather - Rain falls

Here people said the raining season here is usually Oct~Jan. But during rainning season would not so much influence the tour. the rainnng would be stop 30mints or 1 hour. and dry soon.

Today, I post the Kota Kinabalu weather, If you like to see the detail data, please watch the upper video.


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